Outdated Software is an Open Door for Cybercriminals
Everyone has experienced the scenario where you get in front of your workstation and are ready to work, only to get a dreaded message like, “Applying Windows Updates, Do Not Turn Off Your Workstation.” Then you’ll get an even more
Two-Factor-Authentication Doubles Your Protection
We get it, you want to focus on the business of automotive retail. That can be hard to do when you are hearing about another huge ransomware attack or other cyber incident that is devastating to one or multiple businesses
No Such Thing As Too Safe? Think Again.
Overcompensated firewalls that are so locked down prevent dealerships from accessing websites and platforms that are needed to make a sale. DealerIT makes networks secure, but not so secure dealerships can't do their jobs and a great car-buying experience
From Helpful To Hacked In 30 Seconds
You would do whatever it takes to help a customer, right? What if that person wasn't a customer at all? Cybercriminals use social engineering and exploit human nature to gain trust in order to obtain the information they want. Recognize
Know Your Enemy. Recognize a Phishing Email Before It’s Too Late.
Imagine it is payday and your direct deposit didn’t hit your account. Questions start running through your mind. Did I approve my timecard? Was there a bank error? Glitch in the payroll system? There are many perfectly reasonable explanations. You
Dealerships Have Everything Cybercriminals Are Looking For
In 2019, a South Florida dealership group was hit by a ransomware attack that halted operations for three days and resulted in a quantifiable $500,000 loss for the group. That number only speaks to the physical cost of replacing every
Ping is the Thing: Speed Up Your Business
If we have only demonstrated one thing in reporting on our first-of-its-kind nationwide dealership network speed survey, it is that providing an excellent internet experience for your customers and staff is complicated. It seems simple enough to reach out to
Upload Speed Should Not Be Your Competitor
With the surprisingly poor results uncovered by our first-of-its-kind nationwide dealership network speed survey we have been receiving many questions from dealers wondering how their network shapes up and why it matters. The most common question is, “in terms of
Your Download Speed is Letting Your Dealership Down
Only 1% of dealerships had an adequate download speed of 100Mbps or higher. That equates to 6 of the 1,132 dealership networks we tested. Why does this matter? Download speed is the speed at which information from the internet
Nationwide Study Reveals Dealership Networks Are Too Slow
Network speeds play a vital role in the customer experience and the day-to-day operations of the dealership. The results of a first-ever nationwide dealership network speed test are eye opening.
Slow Internet At Home? Imagine Your Workplace
As the workforce has become increasingly remote over the last several months, so has the car-buying experience. It is more important than ever for dealers to view the speed of their network as a key component of the customer experience.
Windows 10 migration
DealerIT will strategically assist you through the Windows 10 migration for minimal business interruption and provide a complimentary dealership IT assessment.